rhino-lining your interior

So after having the carpeting out for a couple months, i decided that it was much easier to clean the truck with a hose and broom than it was with a vacuum.  So i considered have the interior lined with a spray-on bed liner.  I contemplated getting that roll-on shit, but it would have come out to about the same amount as just gettign it sprayed.  I wanted to do the rear walls, where the plastic panels used to be, and i wanted a thick layer on the floor, in the front floorpan and back in the cargo area.  The spray-on liner was done by a shop down the road from me, and it took them about two hours to prep, spray, and finalize the truck so i could pick it up.  Im cheap, so i saved cash by stripping the interior myself.  This is pretty easy to do, but time-consuming.
There is sound-deadener on the floor under the seats and on the pan where you generally put your feet.  This stuff needs to be removed before being lined, but it is a pain to do.  Since it was getting lined, i was unconcerned with removing the primer underneath it, and we wire-wheeled it off with a grinder.  Buy heavy-duty wheels!  We completely destroyed two wheels before we bought a heavy duty one to finish off the job.  And it took a good four or so hours to remove it all, too. Warning:  the truck will be super-loud at highway speeds once you remove this stuff!

When removing the interior, an idea popped into my head.  In winter seasons, i usually soak the carpeting in the rear with snow.  But now, since there isnt any carpeting anymore, the snow would melt and be able to run all the way down to the rear passenger's feet.  So i bought a piece of angle iron, and bolted it to the floor at the edge before it drops down.  After the liner is sprayed over it, it would create a lip, preventing anything liquid from running from the back of the truck into the front.

Rather than bore you with pics of me taking out a seat or paneling or whatever, im only posting a couple pics of the prep work, and some pics of the aftermath.


sans seat & paneling: rear of truck:  
the tranny access panel, shows ext. vent lines    
front of truck/ trans. access panel:    
rear cargo area/ fenders:
