New clear black housings for the front of the bronco! THese are the cheapies off of Amazon. They have their issues, (mostly fitment issues due to poor molds i assume) but with a little work, they fit pretty good. The headlights are also from Amazon, made by Beamtech. Research says theyre one of the best of the 'cheap' led headlight companies. This will be my 3rd vehicle with a set of their lights, so far no issues with any of them. Switchbacks! Found a really cool set of switchback 3157s on Amazon. Parking circuit is white, and it turns off and blinks orange for the turn signal. Looks really good, and the white is super bright. LED Headlights, P.2. Bought a set from Hikari, and these are far superior to the Beamtechs. AS far as machining & assembly, they are way nicer. They are brighter (especially the high beam) and they actually have a good beam angle. Much happier with these. Smoked tails! Also bought LED tails & LED reverse lights from the same Co. on Amazon that my switchbacks came from. So far i like both of them. Now that im full LED i had to add the load resistors to get them to blink, but thats fairly easy to do. |
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